How to Manage Ticks and Fleas

A Safe Approach for Treating Ticks and Fleas

Countries like Australia have significantly longer pest season compared to other parts of the world due to its warm climate. Ticks and fleas are particularly prevalent in certain parts of Queensland. Brisbane has a high prevalence due to the humid weather and the higher temperatures year round.

Below are practical guidelines on how to manage ticks and fleas, including do-it-yourself techniques that prevent their rampant presence.

How Do Fleas and Ticks Get in Your Home and Where Do They Hide?

Pets, especially long furred cats and dogs usually drag these ticks and fleas into the house. Once ticks and fleas get hold of their hosts, it is easy for them to reproduce at an alarmingly fast rate. Fleas and ticks also like to hide and nest in rugs, carpets, and any space where there are fibers. Ticks are particularly fond of beds, as they can burrow deep and multiply exponentially.

How to Manage Ticks and Fleas

Here are some types of ticks that commonly infest pets and homes:

  • Brown dog ticks
  • Deer ticks (also known as blackened tick)
  • Lone star ticks
  • Moose ticks
  • Seed ticks
  • Wood tick or American dog tick

The two general classifications of ticks are soft and hard ticks.

Prevention and Management

  • For those with one or more pets at home, these practices should be observed:
  • Running a flea comb through your pet’s fur prior to coming inside the house
  • Shave your pet during the summer so that the fleas and ticks do not have a cozy home to hide in
  • Daily bathing is highly recommended especially for pets with long fur
  • Use natural juice rubs(use freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice and rub it against your pet’s fur daily to repel bugs)

Furniture, Bedding, and Sheets

  • Vacuum your upholstered furniture every day
  • Change bed linen regularly (every couple of days during hotter seasons)
  • Wash your linens with mild soap and lukewarm/hot water(depending on the type of fabric)
  • Inspect your mattress and turn it over if necessary in order to see if bugs have burrowed in the crevices

Around the House

  • Thorough pest inspection by a professional

This may include the survey of your home’s crawl space (if applicable) to see if there are any feral creatures living under it. In most cases, dogs and cats, and other type of furry animals can bring in the fleas and ticks.

  • Use natural predators against fleas

Such as beneficial nematodes (these are found in local gardening shops), which feed off bugs and can chase their entire population in a matter of days. Nematodes are harmful to bugs but not to pets so they are safe to use. Fire ants are also good for fighting off fleas and ticks. If you happen to see fire ants in your yard, be sure to leave some of them alive to feed off the bugs until there are no more fleas or ticks in your home.

Other DIY tips for Managing Flea and Tick Infestation

tips for Managing Flea and Tick Infestation

Use a flea collar on your dog

  • Apply natural flea spray on your cat or dog (you will need 1 part apple cider vinegar and one part water, lavender or cedar oil, then a good spray bottle. You may also add witch hazel and lemon juice to make it even more potent). Spraying your pets 2-3 times per day would avoid infestation and prevent fleas and ticks from hatching more eggs.
  • Put salt all over your rugs and carpets (salt dehydrates the fleas and basically dry out their bodies until they eventually die. Rubbing the salt deep down the fibers would help kill more bugs and their eggs.

Should You Hire a Professional to Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks?

Tick Experts

This really depends on the severity of your tick and flea problem. In some cases, the infestation is caught very early and the bugs do not get a chance to spread around the house. However, since you cannot be 100% sure you get all of the bugs and their eggs or larvae, getting professional help from a pest expert may not be such a bad idea.

It is best to start with natural and non-invasive removal methods before even considering using chemicals. After all, there is a need to protect your pets and children from the harmful effects of strong pesticides as well as the inconvenience of being displaced from your home during the treatment. When dealing with pests, being vigilant about home maintenance practices goes a long way.

For further information or to ask questions about pest treatments visit and fill in your details in the contact form.