How To Remove Possums From Your Roof

Simple Steps To Remove Possums

Before advancing any method to remove possums, note that, possums are protected under the Wildlife Act of 1975. They must not be killed or harmed or even kept without authority from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. When performing possum removal be extremely careful to care for the animal. Possums have invaded homes because their natural habitat has been tampered due to deforestation and farming. Brisbane property owners have reported a fairly high incidence of possums especially in the housing areas near bush-land. If you are confident in handling animals then you can perform possum removal yourself. Alternatively you can contact your nearest possum handler for professional help.

This has forced the pesky creatures to search for alternative homes in rooftops, eaves and crevices. They are nocturnal and if they make their way into a roof, they would constantly fight, screech and run across the roof. They like foul stench of urine and if you suspect that possums are already living in your home, observe any brown markings on the roof. Possums use brown markings to indicate their territory.

Outlined below is a detailed step-by-step guide to remove possums. If you are unsure or need professional help you can use the residential pest service and request information  for your nearest removal expert.

Steps To Remove Possums From Your Roof

Possum Removal From Roofs

Step 1: Identify the Type of Possums Living In Your Roof

The Brushtail and the Ringtail Possum are the two types of possums found in suburban Australia. In forests, these animals live in tree hollows. In urban areas where there are limited trees, possums use ceilings, roofs and eaves as their dens. These places are comfort zones for them because they are warm and dry providing a safe place to sleep during the day. Brushtail Possums habiting most parts of Brisbane are copper in color and they’ve a bushy thick tail. They feed on flowers, leaves and fruits. They are highly territorial and can be noisy when defending their home territory. Ringtails are smaller in size and they are not as common as the Brushtails. They have long, tapering tails, sociable and not noisy like Brushtails.

Step 2: Blocking Possum Entry Points

Around 95% of possums in Brisbane make their entries into houses via trees. Trees provide a quick and easy way for possums to enter into your roof. You can install aluminum or plastic guards around mature trees. Remove branches that can assist these animals to climb into the roof. Possums are good jumpers, so limit a possum’s access to the roof by keeping trees and shrubs trimmed back by 5 metres. Ensure that the tree guard is at least 2 metres off the ground above anything that they can climb.

Removing Possums

Step 3: Remove Possums Already Habiting the Roof, Ceiling and Eaves

Possums are quite energetic, especially the Brushtail meaning that they can lift a roof tile easily when searching for a place to live.

  • Examine the ceiling to check for holes they might have used to make their way in. You can do this by checking gaps of sunlight in the ceiling.
  • Then, put a fluorescent light bulb in the roof cavity for about 3 nights to make their stay uncomfortable as they are nocturnal creatures. This will force the possum out.
  • Block off the hole(s) after making sure that the possum is not inside sleeping.
  • Spray the entry point with an approved disinfectant to erase the animal’s scent to discourage re-entry.
  • Do frequent checks on potential entry and exit points. Avoid using harmful chemicals to remove the scent as it can be toxic to possums.

Step 4: Install a Possum Nesting Box

If possible, you can provide an alternative home for the possum by installing a robust weatherproof possum box for Brushtails or a possum drey for Ringtails. Fix the possum box or drey to a tree and place it high enough from the ground so that the animal will be out of reach from cats and dogs. You can contact a possum removal professional to construct the nest or you can do it yourself.

Step 5: Deter Possums Using Traps and Repellents

You can ward off possums with various possum removal techniques and  using safe repellents. Possum sprays are widely available in the market. You can as well install possum spikes along the top of the fence to discourage their entry. It’s illegal to interfere or handle possums except when they have made your roof their home. There are possum traps (hire from your council) which you can use to trap possums and release at night. Possums must be released in their own territory, that is, within 50 metres of the capture site. Relocating possums is inhumane and illegal.

Final Verdict

Possum-proofing the roof is part of a home maintenance project that is overlooked by many until when scampering possums make one’s night uncomfortable. In case you find possum removal process difficult, you can contact the Queensland Environment Department, your council, a wildlife carer, animal rescue group or a possum catcher. There are also licensed companies in Brisbane which can help you remove possums in your roof.