Tips To Prevent Spiders in Your Home

How To Prevent Spiders

While spiders are an important part of the ecosystem, there are many instances when it is necessary to manage their population. Most people choose to prevent spiders as they are poisonous and can harm your family.

One important thing you need to remember about spiders is that it does not matter how large or small they are, the danger they pose can be lethal at times. A bite from a deadly type is all it takes to leave you helpless, especially if you don’t get help in time. When in doubt you should always seek the advice of a professional spider exterminator to ensure the safety of your family.

If you want to prevent spiders, prevention is always the best cure. You want to minimize the chances of conflict between you and these marauding arachnids.

Common Types of Spiders

Common Types of Spiders in Brisbane

  • Garden Orb-Weaver

Live in gardens and backyards. They build orb-web at night and hide in plants during the day. They are grey or brown in colour.

  • Tent Spider

Stay in backyards and gardens and build large tent web. Mostly black in colour with white patterns.

  • St. Andrew’s Cross Spider

Commonly found in places with eucalyptus trees and backyards. Brown in colour with round abdomen and thorax.

  • Banded Orb-weaving Spider

You can find them in tall grasses as they tend to build orb web in such habitat. They are occasional visitors of backyards as well.

  • Funnel Web Spider

Commonly found in gardens, tree trunks and corners of windows. They tend to build tangled webs with funnel shaped tunnels.

Statistics about Spiders in Australia

The Australian funnel web spiders are ranked as the most deadly in the world in the effect of their bites have on primates including human beings. So far there are 13 deaths that have been linked to this spider type alone.

On average over 2000 Australians are bitten each year by spiders and 10% of such instances cause a reaction which requires professional treatment. And although death rates have reduced significantly due to availability of antivenom, evidently there is still danger lurking in every Brisbane household.

Dangers of Spider Bites

Spider Bites may be deadly particularly in children and in older people with serious health complications. A typical bite may cause a red mark, accompanied by a stinging sensation and localized swelling.

Dangers of Spider Bites

If left untreated, some bites can actually cause permanent health complications or even death. In addition, a significant spread of cobwebs around your home may ruin its face value and leave a bad impression among your guests.

Signs of the Problem

  • Spiders hidden in dark and isolated spots inside or just outside your home.
  • Presence of cobwebs especially in corners of your house, ventilation and under furniture.
  • Frequent of spiders or their hatchlings.
  • Frequent spider bites (evidenced by red spots or occasional swelling).

Tips To Prevent Spiders in Your Home

Tips To Prevent Spiders in Your Home

  • Weather Stripping

It only takes a small gap for a spider to find its way into your house. So one of the best tips to prevent spiders in your home is to look for areas around doors and windows and add weather stripping into any spaces where you see light coming in.

  • Dust the House Regularly

Dusting your home frequently can go a long way in eliminating chances of a new web showing up. Note that, the only way a spider can survive is by eating insects on its trap. Therefore by removing webs daily, the spider hiding in your home will die or run away.

  • Use Pesticide Frequently

Spray the door and windows during the dry season so that the spray can dry and create a barrier against spiders that may get into the house. Treat the molding of each room as well.

Advantages of Hiring a Professional

One of the most effective ways to prevent spiders in your house is to call your local pest specialist. The professional will locate areas around your house the spider can easily enter and take reasonable precautions to exterminate them.

Spiders tend to build large webs and can survive off a large supply of bugs in the ecosystem. Some of these webs may be well hidden from your reach e.g. in ventilation passages and wooded areas. For that reason, it is essential to call pest experts and let them handle the situation efficiently.

Final Verdict

Sometimes it’s difficult to prevent spiders. If you are unsure or would like further advice contact your nearest pest management professional.