10 Tips For DIY Pest Control

Advice For DIY Pest Control Techniques

Pest like cockroaches, ants, termites, silverfish, fleas and ticks, bed bugs, rats and mice have a strange ability of finding their way into homes. If you notice pests in your property, here we list some great DIY pest control treatments for help eliminate the problem.

Top 10 Tips For DIY Pest Extermination

We all have a busy schedule. Sometimes is is easier to call a pest expert to solve the problem. Professionally trained and qualified pest technicians are reliable and will be able to complete the job quickly and efficiently. However, there are DIY pest solutions that you can use in some cases that are just as effective. We will take a look at a few common pest management techniques that you can use yourself.

  • Check and inspect

Regularly check your house and all areas around you home. Check whether there are openings in windows, doors and cracks. If you notice any hole or a point through which pests can use to get into your home, make a record of it and make a plan to repair it. A thorough inspection will help you to know how they can get access inside the property.

  • Keep your house clean at all times

You have to keep you house clean at all times to deter insects. Pay special attention to the dining area and kitchen. Make sure that your garbage is properly disposed of. Garbage is a prime source of food. Garbage also encourages the breeding of certain species. Store your food in airtight containers. You should also not leave the food meant for your pets out for a long time because it attracts rats, insects and roaches. To check ideas on how to clean your home click here.

  • Wash and dry your linen and clothes more often

Wash and heat dry your linen, clothes and other personal items such as blankets, towels and bed sheets. This is something that you will can easily do every week and will go a long way in keeping pests such as mites and bedbugs out of your home. Dirty, wet clothes and linen provide pests such as bedbugs the perfect breeding grounds. You should clean your bed-sheets at least once a week.

  • Seal all the entry points to your house

The gaps in your wall and the cracks in the foundation of your home provide entry points for unwanted creatures. Unsealed openings give them easy access. Block all the entry points if you want to keep harmful pests out of your home. You should also check your utility pipes and the entry points of cables.

  • Keep basements and crawl spaces dry and well ventilated

Ventilation is key when you want to keep the pest away. You should use humidifiers in the areas of your house that carry moisture. You have to ensure that all these places are dry and well ventilated. Proper ventilation makes all the difference in keeping them at bay.

  • Fix your drainage

Fix drainage

Fixing leaky faucets and pipes can go a very long way as far as pest are concerned. Pests love moisture. It’s the perfect breeding ground for many species. By repairing a faucet or fixing your entire drainage system, you will prevent leaks and provide protection.

  • Use traps and baits

Set up a few traps in your home especially in the areas where there is a lot of pest activity. Use both sticky traps and glue traps to trap the rodents present in your home. However, keep in mind the fact that laying down a few traps around your home will not solve your pest problem. Check insect traps often in case they need to be replaced.

  • Spray pesticides and insecticides

There are several insecticides and pesticides that can kill the pest in your home. Most pesticides and insecticides are effective and fast acting. However, before you use any of these chemicals in your home, take time to read the labels to keep yourself and the members of your family safe.

  • Repair, replace & install

Do you have any broken windows that have been left unchecked?  What about the door sweeps? You have to repair your windows and install new door sweeps to prevent pests from entering your home. Remember, any small gap around your house creates an entry point.

  • Don’ forget about safety

As you strive to keep the pest out of your home, you should not forget about the importance of keeping everyone safe. Do not use any pest elimination technique if you are not sure that every member of your family and your pets will be safe. You should not put baits or any other dangerous chemicals in places where children can come into contact with. Avoid using insecticides and pesticides near the places where food is stored or prepared.

Pest Control in Brisbane

Final Verdict

After performing your DIY pest control and you feel that the infestation is still prevalent, you should call your local pest control technicians. Professional exterminators will carefully evaluate your situation and come up with an effective management plan.

Published by Nicholas Favreau from www.propestcontrolbrisbane.com.au if you have any questions or would like further tips and advice please contact Nicholas directly.